Date: 2018-2019 Academic Year
Come join the UT SIAM Data Science Team!
This year we are looking to start a UT SIAM Data Science. Perhaps you’ve heard about competitions hosted on kaggle or received no fewer than 20 emails about the Citadel Open datathon. You would have liked to participate, but didn’t find a group of people to team up with. Perhaps you’ve been interested in learning more about machine learning and frameworks like TensorFlow and Keras, but haven’t found a good application to tinker around with. Or maybe, you’re just looking to make some new friends, while eating pizza and programming. We are looking to set-up small teams in which people can meet-up to hack at some selected datasets, while learning the tools necessary to become a datascientist. If you are curious, please fill out this brief survey (3 minutes) by Friday October 26th: https://goo.gl/forms/gRTYdGRLmausfa913. We will have an introductory meeting to which all are welcome, where will outline the format of the Data Science Team. If you are interested, but don’t have the time, fear not! We are working on setting up a data science lecture through the student forum, where peers will present introductory lectures about what is machine learning learning and what types are tools are available.
Location: Peter O Donnell Building (POB) Room 6.304