Date: April 30th, 2021 (Friday), 3-4 PM (Central Time)
Zoom Link: Zoom
SIAM and the Association of Computational Engineers (ACE) are pleased to announce that we will be hosting Dr. Jason Fleming, Principal Consultant at Seahorse Coastal Consulting on Friday, April 30th from 3-4 PM Central Time.
Talk Title: Real-Time Numerical Modeling for Hurricane Decision Support: Math in Extreme Environments
Talk Overview: Dr. Jason Fleming is the lead developer of the ADCIRC Surge Guidance System (ASGS), a software automation system that is used to run the finite-element shallow water model ADCIRC in real time on high-performance computers in order to provide hurricane storm surge guidance. During the hurricane season, visualizations of ADCIRC results are shown on the Coastal Emergency Risks Assessment (CERA) website and regularly updated so that users can understand which areas are most at risk. Dr. Fleming will be talking about how ADCIRC, ASGS, and CERA come together to provide real time model guidance during the critical time leading up to a hurricane.
Dr. Fleming is also a principal consultant at Seahorse Coastal Consulting, who are offering summer internship opportunities related to ASGS and real time model guidance.