Upcoming Meeting: Thursday, August 26th, at 5 pm – The Cybernetic Hypothesis
Organized Virtually (and in-person).
“Technology is therefore no mere means. Technology is a way of revealing.”SIAM is excited to announce a new reading group on topics at the intersection of ethics and machine learning. The group meets once a month to discuss a short reading. The readings are wide-ranging in focus, covering everything from the practicalities of making ethical decisions as an ML engineer to more philosophical discussions regarding control, oppression, and technology. The structure of the meetings is informal, and those interested should feel free to only show up at meetings covering readings of interest to them. The group is open to the entire UT community, and people from all backgrounds are encouraged to join.
Please fill out this form to provide feedback on the structure of the reading group and express interest in being a part of the group. If interest is overwhelming, participation may be limited on a first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure to take a second and fill the thing out if you’re interested.
Contact the coordinator, Evan Scope Crafts (escopec@utexas.edu), for more information.